梁 壮(D2)

梁 壮(Zhuang Liang)
所属学会(Academic Memberships)
電気化学会(The Electrochemical Society of Japan)
Society for Information Display
国内会議における発表(Presentations at Domestic Conferences)
梁 壮、行川 真広、中村 一希、小林 範久
電気化学会第84回大会、首都大学東京 (東京)、2017年3月
梁 壮、中村 一希、小林 範久
梁 壮、中村 一希、小林 範久
梁 壮、中村 一希、小林 範久
諸見里 栄治、梁 壮、中村 一希、小林 範久
国際会議における発表(Presentations at International Conferences)
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
A multicolor electrochromic display having hybrid capacitor configuration
carbon electrode
The 24th International Display Workshops, Sendai (Japan), December 2017.
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
Multicolor organic electrochromic device having electrical double layer
capacitive component
The 13th International Meeting on Electrochromism, Chiba (Japan), August
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
Effect of Electrical Double Layer Capacitance on Coloration Performance
in Multicolor ECD with Hybrid Capacitor Configuration
The 25th International Display Workshops, Nagoya (Japan), December 2018.
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
Hybrid Capacitor Architecture Electrochromic Cell to Achieve White, Yellow,
Red and Green Coloration
International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2019, Chiba (Japan), July
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
Investigation of redox reactions of the multicolor electrochromic device
having a porous counter electrode
The 4th Chinese Meeting on Electrochromosm, Shenzhen (China), August 2019.
Zhuang Liang、Kazuki Nakamura、Norihisa Kobayashi
Relationship of Thickness of ITO Particle-modified Counter Electrode into
Electrochromic Properties of 10-Methylphenothiazine
The 26th International Display Workshops, Sapporo (Japan), November 2019.
学術論文 (Published Papers)
Z. Liang, M. Yukikawa, K. Nakamura, N. Kobayashi, A novel organic electrochromic
device with hybrid capacitor architecture towards multicolour representation,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 19892-19899, 2018.
Z. Liang, Y. Watanabe, K. Nakamura, N. Kobayashi, Improvement of cycling
stability by introducing electric double layer capacitive counter electrode
to the electrochromic device, J. Korean Soc. Imaging Sci. Technol., 25,
1-7, 2019.
Z. Liang, K. Nakamura, N. Kobayashi, A multicolor electrochromic device
having hybrid capacitor architecture with a porous carbon electrode, Sol.
Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 200, 109914-109921, 2019.
Z. Liang, K. Nakamura, N. Kobayashi, Effect of Capacitance of ITO Particle-modified
Counter Electrode on Electrochromic Performance of 10-Methylphenothiazine,
J. Imaging Soc. Japan, 58, 596-600, 2019.
受賞歴他(Awards and others)
Electrical Science and Engineering Promotion Student Paper Award (電気科学技術奨励学生賞)at
IDW'17 The 24th International Display Workshops
Graduated from AIST Innovation School (11th), March 2018
Poster Award at International Conference on Advanced Imaging 2019